The Foreigner is a film directed by Martin Campbell. In the film, Jackie Chan acts as a British Vietnamese Chinese whose name is Guan Yuming. He has been a soldier attending the Vietnam War, whose daughter, his last family member, was killed in a terrorist attack in London, but because of the political struggle between the United Kingdom government and the Northern Ireland government and the fact that the vice minister of Northern Ireland who was a member of the terrorist organization and still keeps in touch with the controller wants to take advantage of the attack to trade with the UK government to have better political future, nobody cares about the dead. What’s more, some members discover his plan and struggle with him. There are some spies around him from the UK government and the terrorist organization. Everyone has his or her own idea, but nobody really cares about the dead.
To revenge on the terrorist organization and the vice minister, he follows the tracks of him, finds evidence of his errant actions and many other things, and asks for the name list of the attackers. Finally, he manages to kill them and post the evidence on the Internet, making the vice minister lose everything.
The story is partly a fiction, but the violent struggle between the UK government and separatists is from the First World War to 1998 is true. This film unmasks the struggle both between the UK government and the terrorist organization and between the terrorists.
Actuarially, without the foreigner, the UK government can still deal with the terrorist organization. This film just shows a story about revenge.
My favourite character is Guan Yuming because of the action.
“Everybody’s here, meet, dad.” is the last saying the daughter to Guan Yuming. Just in front of Guan Yuming, his daughter goes into the house, and minutes later, the bomb burst. Although he immediately rushes into the house to save his only family member. His wife and other sons and daughters has been dead because of the family’s hard trip to the UK. You can imagine how sad Guan Yuming is when he loses his last family member.